Crafty Items

Heart Garlands for Valentine’s Day

We are involved in a fundraiser at work for one of the local charities, and we were all asked to donate something that has to do with Valentine’s Day.  I saw the idea for a heart garland on Pinterest and thought they would be relatively inexpensive and easy to do.

I started with two sheets of felt for each color I wanted. I wasn’t sure how much I would need, but I only ended up using one sheet per color for one garland. I also purchased pom-poms for one garland and used some clear plastic beads I had used for another project for the other garland. Felt pieces

I folded and cut one piece of felt down the length of it, and the other down the width of it.  This is just so one heart will be bigger than the other. You will have about two inches left over of whatever piece you cut down the length. I kept the two cut pieces together and sewed a straight stitch up one side.Folded felt and stitched

Then I separated the two pieces and folded it backwards and sewed a straight stitch up the other side. I did this for both colors of felt that I was using for this garland. I didn’t get any photos of this part, but basically, I just lined it up on the cutting mat and used my rolling blade to cut it into 1 inch strips. I got nine out of the one that was cut width wise, and 12 for the one that was cut length wise. I only used ten.Folded felt to make heart

After that, I stole some fishing line from Double D’s rod and used that to string them all together. I am not going to mention that:)  Anyway, the most important part of this photo is not in focus, but I must say it is hard to take pictures one-handed. I just folded them where the two rounded parts would come together, and ran a needle with the fishing line through the gathered heart so that I also got the middle part. I alternated big heart, pom-pom, and little heart until all were on the fishing line.Scrunched hearts for garland

After that I got my hot glue gun out and proceeded to unscrunch them one by one, glueing each side of the hearts to the pom-poms. It just seemed like it would be a little more secure this way and less movement up and down the fishing line. I think my inspiration piece might have been made with thicker felt, Glueing the hearts to each other

After they were all glued, I hung it up to see what it would look like.  Super cute and can be used over doors, along walls, and fireplace mantles. Unfortunately, I don’t have a fireplace, so I will just have to imagine:)Maroon and pink Heart garland

And here is the other color combination that I made, along with the plastic beads.  I can’t decide which one I like best, although I am red kind of girl. Red and Cream heart garland

I hope they sell, and I think I have decided to make one for myself, since I have that extra felt left over:)

Thanks for looking!


Linking up to Funky Junk Interior:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

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